Yorkshire Post

Disruption from HS2 ‘is inevitable’


Former Transport Secretary Sir Patrick McLoughlin told MPs it was “inevitable” people would be inconvenie­nced by HS2 as he cited opposition to the opening of one of the earliest railways.

The Tory grandee reminded colleagues of the opposition to the 1833 Birmingham to London railway as he made the case for the project. He spoke during reading of the High Speed Rail (West Midlands-Crewe) Bill. REFUGEES ARE struggling to integrate into British life because of restrictio­ns on bringing their relatives to the country, campaigner­s claim.

Oxfam and the Refugee Council called on the Government to amend the rules, labelling them “unfair” and “restrictiv­e”.

The organisati­ons said many refugees are plagued by worry about loved ones who are still overseas – leaving them unable to focus on finding work, making friends or learning English.

Maurice Wren of the Refugee Council said: “Reuniting refugee families gives them the best chance of living settled and fulfilling lives. Denying them the chance to restore their family ties condemns then to a future of anguish and guilt, with the anxiety of separation underminin­g their mental health.”

Partners, spouses or children aged under 18 can apply to join those granted humanitari­an protection or asylum status in the UK.

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