Yorkshire Post

Query over lighthouse plan in landlocked city


A TORY MP has suggested that council bosses step in to help some local housing tenants instead of “wanting to build a lighthouse in the middle of the landlocked city of Leeds”.

Cabinet Minister Andrea Leadsom responded to the question from Alec Shelbrooke yesterday by questionin­g if Leeds City Council was planning on floods.

Leeds announced the plan to build a lighthouse as part of its bid to become the 2023 European Capital of Culture. It will still go ahead with the plan, despite the bid’s collapse given that Britain will be leaving the European Union.

Elmet and Rothwell MP Mr Shelbrooke said: “In the village of Oulton in my constituen­cy a company owning 70 rented homes has put in for planning permission to demolish these and make them into private dwellings.

“On Friday I met with some of my constituen­ts, who may soon be receiving eviction notices and requiring new homes. Could I ask for a statement from the Housing Minister to the power that Leeds City Council may or may not have to purchase these homes, instead of, and I kid you not, wanting to build a lighthouse in the middle of the landlocked city of Leeds?”

Ms Leadsom said: “That’s an extraordin­ary tale. Whether they’re planning on floods is anyone’s guess. He is a strong champion for his community and he’s raising a very important issue.”

A Leeds City Council spokeswoma­n said: “The Leeds Lighthouse was one of the most eyecatchin­g ideas put forward by the people of Leeds, originally in support of our bid to be European Capital of Culture 2023.

“It has caught the imaginatio­n of a local business leader who is talking to us about funding the entire installati­on. There has never been any discussion about council funding being used for this project.”

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