Yorkshire Post

Greening undaunted in her social mobility mission


JUSTINE GREENING was typically ebullient as she returned to her South Yorkshire roots to give her first newspaper interview since being sacked as Education Secretary – the only difference is she didn’t have the Ministeria­l entourage, and red box, that accompanie­d her when she visited her former school in Rotherham last year.

She had every right to be bitter about the manner of her dismissal in Theresa May’s botched reshuffle last month, but instead has resolved to use her status as a former minister to advance her social mobility reforms, and equality of opportunit­y agenda, so today’s youngsters have a greater chance of success than their parents. Many would have been less sanguine.

Her enthusiasm was infectious. She’d visited Rotherham’s Advanced Manufactur­ing Park, built on the site of the Orgreave coking plant that caused so much acrimony during the Miners’ Strike, and was even more determined that youngsters from her home town leave schools with the cutting-edge skills to forge successful careers at this landmark complex. Why should the most able have to move away like she had to?

And then there were her comments about the conduct of political debate. Had she been verbally abused by opponents at the Despatch Box? “No,” she said before explaining how she’d spent a lifetime learning to make persuasive arguments because there weren’t many Conservati­ve supporters in Rotherham during her childhood.

However the 48-year-old’s most telling point was this. “Growing up in part of the country where not many people shared

Talk about a breach of the Trade Descriptio­ns Act. Two carriages from a bygone era – and a journey that seemed a lot longer than 50 minutes.

Yes, travel times will be reduced if HS2 is ever built – I have doubts – but there’s no guarantee that fares on these super-fast trains will be affordable for local people.

And, frankly, Yorkshire should not have to wait 15 years or so for snail-like train links between the county’s two biggest – and most important – cities to be fundamenta­lly improved.

For, despite Transport for the North’s draft plan to improve the region’s railways, there’s still one fundamenta­l problem. Any proposal, and funding, needs to be signed off by London Crossrail champion Chris ‘Failing’ Grayling.

HARRIET HARMAN – Labour’s former deputy leader – was in fine form when she delivered the inaugural Alice Bacon Lecture that commemorat­es the legacy of first female MP to represent Leeds.

She bristles at how women are whitewashe­d from the memoirs of male ministers and is still fuming over the ‘Blair Babes’ photo in 1997 which featured the cheesy PM with a new intake of female MPs.

“It wasn’t light-hearted banter, it was belittling women,” she said before making the case for an all-women shortlist to determine Labour’s next leader. Far from discouragi­ng talented males, she says she would encourage them by saying: “One day you could be deputy leader.”

ARE NORTH Yorkshire’s fracking protesters, and its landed gentry, guilty of rank hypocrisy? The thought crossed my mind when travelling to and from South Yorkshire on two occasions in the past week and passing the county’s coalfield communitie­s, scarred landscapes and financiall­y deprived areas.

As they talk about the impact of fracking, where were they when Yorkshire’s mining towns and villages needed help getting back on their feet following the closure of deep mines? Nowhere. As long as there was power to heat their homes, the ‘I’m All Right Jack’ attitude prevailed.

Yes, the environmen­t is important, but so, too, is energy security and it is this latter argument that needs to be made far more forcefully by Ministers.

I’M SLIGHTLY bemused Welcome to Yorkshire is now sponsoring ticket barriers at King’s Cross Station in order to promote the Tour de Yorkshire bike race.

Passengers have, by now, purchased their tickets and simply want to get on the train. As for the cost, the tourism organisati­on’s response was very prickly.

“Disclosing the cost is not relevant or appropriat­e,” said a spokeswoma­n who said funding came from WTY’s “marketing plan and budget spending”,

And its value? “We wouldn’t disclose that informatio­n,” she added.

SUNDAY NIGHTS won’t be the same without the ITV crime series set in Northumber­land featuring Brenda Blethyn as DCI Vera Stanhope. She might be unorthodox in her battered brimmed hat as she drives her aged Land Rover, but the TV detective is more plausible, and better written, than the BBC’s

which has lost the plot.

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