Yorkshire Post

Attacker violently raped woman in front of her helpless husband


A SEX attacker subjected a woman to a violent rape in front of her bed-bound husband in a “degrading” assault after forcing his way into their flat.

Graham Smith was handed an 18-year sentence after he assaulted the vulnerable victim during the “cruel and shameless” prolonged attack.

Leeds Crown Court was shown closed circuit television footage of Smith entering the complex in Leeds where the victims lived and carrying out part of the sex attack on the woman in the foyer.

Heather Gilmore, prosecutin­g, said homeless Smith was heavily drunk when he committed the offences. The court heard the couple had learning difficulti­es and the husband was bed-bound as he had health problems.

Smith was filmed entering the flats shortly after 5am on August 13 last year.

Ms Gilmore said Smith knocked on the door to their flat and the woman, in her late 50s, answered the door in her pyjamas. The court was shown footage of Smith grabbing the woman and forcing her to remove her clothes.

He also kicked, slapped and put his hands around her neck as she was on the ground. The offender continued the attack inside the property, hitting the husband over the head as he lay in bed.

Smith continued to sexually assault the woman and raped her on the bed.

Ms Gilmore said her husband was powerless to intervene.

Police arrested Smith at the flat as the woman managed to get to a phone and dialled 999.

Smith, of Alexandra Road, Hyde Park, Leeds, pleaded guilty to two offences of rape, assault by penetratio­n and two offences of assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm.

Recorder Abdul Iqbal said: “These were cruel and shameless crimes committed against two vulnerable victims in their own home who had little opportunit­y to protect themselves.

“The impact upon them has been profound – that cannot be understate­d. You, on the other hand, could not care less. You have no, or very little, insight in to this offending. The harm you have caused is immeasurab­le.”

Smith was ordered to go on the Sex Offenders Register indefinite­ly.

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