Yorkshire Post

Words of the week


IT’S so ingrained we almost don’t even notice it. – Jo Swinson, the Lib Dem deputy leader, on gender inequality.

IF you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – The political philosophy of Justine Greening, the sacked Education Secretary.

THE ‘ sell out traitor mob’ should be ignored. – Energy Minister Claire Perry on the Brexit debate.

I’M a bit too scared, honestly, to go and see ghost stories. I like a funny ghost story, you know, Ghostbuste­rs or that sort of thing, but with serious ghost movies I do get a little hypertensi­on and I hyperventi­late. – Actress Dame Helen Mirren.

PEOPLE assume I am just like Sue Ellen in real life. But if I drank like her, then I’d be dead by now. – Former Dallas star Linda Gray.

IF I haven’t money in my pocket it’s one thing no- one can rob me of. – Iconic Yorkshire Dales farmer Hannah Hauxwell who died this week.

IF you are a strong woman, you are called a bitch. It’s not the same for a man. – Actress Anna Friel.

WE can’t rely on men to include we

women in our memoirs. – Former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, delivering the inaugural Alice Bacon Lecture in memory of the first female MP to represent Leeds.

IT’S very gallant of the men to step down like that... but I don’t think that’s the answer at all. – TV presenter Julia Bradbury on the BBC equal pay row.

I THINK, for most actresses I know, it’s just about going where the better writing is. Films have tended to provide a lot for men in terms of great leading roles, and not so much for women. – Actress Carey Mulligan.

I WENT home for a day and dad did mashed bananas with ice cream and golden syrup, which got me back on the road. Anyone with flu should have that! – Top jockey Bryony Frost’s flu remedy.

WE have banged on for ages about whether girls can do it and we have proved that we can. – Grade Onewinning jockey Lizzie Kelly after Agrapart’s win in Cheltenham’s prestigiou­s Cleeve Hurdle.

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