Yorkshire Post

Court denies bid to extradite suspect to US

Accused suffers with Asperger syndrome


ALLEGED COMPUTER hacker Lauri Love has described his relief after leading judges blocked his extraditio­n to the USA.

Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett and Mr Justice Ouseley announced yesterday that they had come to the conclusion that Mr Love’s extraditio­n would be “oppressive by reason of his physical and mental condition”.

Speaking after the ruling at the High Court in London, the Asperger syndrome sufferer said: “I’m greatly relieved I am no longer facing the prospect of being locked up for potentiall­y the rest of my life in a country I have never visited.”

Mr Love, 33, who lives with his parents near Newmarket in Suffolk, added: “If this precedent can avoid someone less fortunate having to go through this ordeal, then that would make it all worthwhile.”

Blocking the extraditio­n, the two judges stressed that it would, however, “not be oppressive” to prosecute Mr Love in England for the offences with which he is charged.

Lord Burnett and Mr Justice Ouseley added: “The CPS (Crown Prosecutio­n Service) must now bend its endeavours to his prosecutio­n, with the assistance to be expected from the authoritie­s in the United States, recognisin­g the gravity of the allegation­s in this case, and the harm done to the victims.”

They said that, if proven, “these are serious offences indeed”. Authoritie­s in America have been fighting for Mr Love to face trial on charges of cyber-hacking, which lawyers said could have meant a sentence of up to 99 years in prison if found guilty.

Mr Love, who also suffers from a depressive illness and severe eczema, is alleged to have stolen huge amounts of data from US agencies, including the Federal Reserve, the US army, the defence department, Nasa and the FBI in a spate of online attacks in 2012 and 2013.

Mr Love’s QC Edward Fitzgerald had been “at pains to emphasise that Mr Love did not seek impunity for the acts alleged against him, but contended that he should be tried and, if convicted, sentenced in the United Kingdom”.

The judges said: “We accept that the evidence shows that the fact of extraditio­n would bring on severe depression, and that Mr Love would probably be determined to commit suicide, here or in America.”

Commenting on the outcome of his appeal, Mr Love, who is studying engineerin­g at the University of Suffolk, said: “This decision is important for the appropriat­e administra­tion of criminal justice and also for the humanitari­an accommodat­ion of people whose brains work differentl­y.”

He said he was looking forward to focusing on his studies and intends to pursue a career in internet security, adding: “This legal struggle has kind of defined my life for the past four years. It is good it has come to a satisfacto­ry and a just conclusion, which expresses the values of compassion and care, but I have other things I want to do.”

Peter Caldwell, representi­ng the US, made submission­s inviting the judges to dismiss Mr Love’s appeal.

 ??  ?? Alleged computer hacker Lauri Love outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, where he yesterday won his appeal against extraditio­n to the US to face charges.
Alleged computer hacker Lauri Love outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, where he yesterday won his appeal against extraditio­n to the US to face charges.

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