Yorkshire Post

Archbishop ready to complete mission tour


THE ARCHBISHOP of York will complete a mission to share how he found his faith in the North Yorkshire city where he lives after a journey across his diocese stretching back more than a year.

Dr John Sentamu, inset, will complete the tour in May with a final event in York, 16 months after he began the weekend missions.

In the run-up to the climax to the tour, the Archbishop will be in the Harthill Deanery from March 2 to 4, North Holderness between March 23 and 25 and then Mowbray from April 13 until 15. He will also be in Guisboroug­h from April 27 to 29 and then Beverley between May 11 and 13.

Dr Sentamu said: “I have been so encouraged as I have shared in the different missions over the past few years, to see people becoming more confident in sharing the faith they have in Jesus Christ.” Alongside the events throughout the Diocese of York, the Archbishop is joining other bishops and senior church leaders across the Northern Province for missions in Cumbria in March and in the Diocese of Newcastle in September. Northern Bishops Missions have been staged in Sheffield in 2015, Blackburn in 2016 and Durham last year to encourage people to learn more about the Christian faith. More details about the Archbishop’s mission weekends are available at http://aby.cofe.uat. rroom.net/priorities/missionand-evangelism/evangelism/ archbishop-mission-weekends.

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