Yorkshire Post

Olympian sex abuser faces life in prison


A FORMER sports doctor has been sentenced to a third prison term of 40 to 125 years behind bars for molesting young athletes including Olympians at an elite Michigan training centre.

Larry Nassar received his final sentence after listening to dozens of victims for two days during hearings last week, and was almost attacked by a man whose three daughters said they were abused.

He pleaded guilty to abusing women and young girls when they sought treatment for injuries at Twistars, a gymnastics club that was run by a 2012 US Olympic coach.

Judge Janice Cunningham said the 54-year-old’s conduct “has robbed these girls and women of one of the most truly important human qualities: Trust”.

The sentence is largely symbolic because the 54-year-old is already assured of spending the rest of his life in prison. Before serving either of his two state sentences, he must first serve 60 years in federal prison for child pornograph­y crimes.

In addition to the sentence delivered on Monday in Eaton County, Nassar was also sentenced last month to 40 to 175 years for similar conduct in another county. Those sentences will be served concurrent­ly.

In a brief statement before he was sentenced, Nassar attempted to apologise to his victims. “It’s impossible to convey the breadth and depth of how sorry I am to each and every one,” he said.

Nassar worked for Michigan State and USA Gymnastics, the sport’s governing body, which also trains Olympians.

More than 260 women and girls said they were Nassar’s victims, with some crimes dating back to the 1990s.

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