Yorkshire Post

Forget gardens and admire landscape during cold snap, advises Titchmarsh


ALAN TITCHMARSH has urged gardeners not to worry about their outdoor spaces during the extreme weather.

The TV star said gardening enthusiast­s should instead enjoy how scenic the landscape looks in the snow, take pretty pictures and then wait for nature to run its course.

When asked for a television show what people should be doing with their gardens he replied: “Not worrying, really. Admire its beauty, go out there and look at the British countrysid­e and look at your garden.”

But he had some tips for those keen to get in the garden early.

“If you’ve got evergreens – trees, if you can reach the trees, and shrubs – and snow is settling on evergreens, go out with your camera and take the photograph because it looks pretty.

“But then knock it off, because when it starts to thaw it gets very, very heavy and that is when branches break and that is when things like cedar branches are brought down, thawing snow.”

He added: “Daffodils and stuff just go into suspended animation.

“Crocuses will be a bit knocked if they are open because the snow sits on them but everything else will just sit quietly and wait.

“Don’t start planting anything when it’s frosty and keep off your lawn when it’s frosty.

“On snow it doesn’t matter but when it’s frosty you will break the blades of grass off.”

 ??  ?? Urged gardeners take photograph­s and let nature take its course. ALAN TITCHMARSH:
Urged gardeners take photograph­s and let nature take its course. ALAN TITCHMARSH:

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