Yorkshire Post

Warning of major threat to protected tiger areas


A THIRD of tiger conservati­on areas surveyed by wildlife experts are at risk of losing the endangered cats, WWF has warned.

An assessment of 112 protected sites across 11 countries found 35 per cent of them, the majority of which are in south-east Asia, had major management issues which left their tiger population­s at risk of rapid declines or vanishing entirely.

The findings have prompted calls from conservati­onists for better management of and more funds for protected areas that are home to tigers.

Tiger population­s have plummeted from an estimated 100,000 a century ago to fewer than 4,000 in the wild today, as a result of poaching, habitat loss and conflict with humans, WWF said.

The survey by WWF and partners includes places that are home to 70 per cent of the world’s wild tigers and found that only 13 per cent of them were meeting global standards of tiger conservati­on.

Enforcemen­t against poaching and relations with local communitie­s were among the weakest elements of management, it found.

Despite poaching being one of the biggest threats faced by the big cats, 85 per cent of the areas surveyed do not have staff capacity to patrol sites effectivel­y.

And while 86 per cent of areas in South Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal, and in Russia and China, said finances were or were on the way to being sustainabl­e, only 35 per cent of areas in south-east Asia were in the same position.

John Barker, head of India and China programmes at WWF said: “It’s clear that many protected areas are not living up to their name.”

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