Yorkshire Post

Why does MP have burnt EU flag on his site?

- From: Ged and Ken Cooper, Askham Lane, York.

AN Italian friend of ours told us that she was feeling so insecure about Brexit that she is taking full British citizenshi­p.

This will cost her over £1,000. She has lived here for 20 years plus, worked and paid taxes and is married to an Englishman – but this doesn’t seem to count to the Home Office.

We suggested she should contact her MP for advice and she raised her eyebrows.

She told us that her MP, Sir Greg Knight, MP for East Yorkshire, has a burnt EU flag on his website. We were shocked and horrified, but it’s true. What an insult to our friends in the European Union.

I have written to Sir Greg asking him to remove this hateful symbol but so far have not had a reply.

We despair about our country when an MP thinks this is acceptable.

From: JA King, Thurgoland, Sheffield.

DEMOCRACY – I hear this word bandied about in the media and letters, but do we really get what we think it is. For example, in the last referendum all areas of England, with the exception of London, voted to leave the European Union.

In the House of Commons, many MPs from the regions are trying to scupper Brexit and voting in Parliament against most of the exit Bills.

One has to ask the question, should these MPs be deselected at the next general election as they are not following the wishes of the voters in their constituen­cy? They obviously think that they are more intelligen­t than the general public but they were quite willing to accept their vote at the General Election. From: Terry Morrell, Willerby, Hull.

REGARDING the Leeds antiBrexit march. It has all been said before, but they appear to have missed the message. We voted to leave the EU 21 months ago.

The EU bureaucrac­y is intent on punishing us for being “naughty”, so how would they treat us if decided to cower and ask to please stay?

Can these “Remoaners” not realise that it is their duty to get behind this country and be proud to “fly” the British flag?

From: Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfie­ld.

APPARENTLY we aren’t capable of governing ourselves any more, so we need the EU to look after us. Or so Remainers tell us. Their propaganda is false, of course, but self-serving.

It lends a veneer of respectabi­lity to otherwise worthless EU bureaucrac­y, and disguises the really dangerous EU empire-building.

It is typical of the EU: the pretty public face is provided to satisfy gullible Remainers, but what’s really going on is hidden.

Under the surface, the EU is institutio­nally corrupt.

The recent emergence of Martin Selmayr as SecretaryG­eneral of the of the European Commission illustrate­s EU corruption perfectly – it was without due process, and sweetened by pay-offs to retiring Commission­ers.

Leading figures in and around the EU such as Christine Lagarde, Jean-Claude Juncker and now Nicolas Sarkozy are tainted by corruption. Thank God we are leaving this cesspit.

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