Yorkshire Post

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Are modern vehicle headlights too dazzling for our roads?

Tony Walton.

Yes, also drivers who sit on their brakes while waiting at traffic lights. You’re stuck behind someone with a high level brake light pointed straight into your face from about seven foot away. Take your foot off the brake and use your handbrake.

David Lambert.

Been moaning about this for the last 20 years since the introducti­on of BiXenon headlights. The sales pitch back then (and it still prevails) is that it increases safety which is, of course, total rubbish.

Kay Hudson Leaper.

The new ones are like a blue/ white light and much brighter than the older cars, sometimes you’re temporally blinded on an incline or at traffic lights.

Keith Lambert.

Just not needed. Just a fad to make more money for spares department­s.

Alison Tate.

Yes, the blue light headlights are far too bright. They might be great for the driver but they certainly aren’t if you are on the other side of the road.

John Birtwistle.

Agree. Plus certain Range Rovers with the orange sidelight permanentl­y on. At first glance, these look as though they are making a left turn. They are stupid and unnecessar­y.

Brian Herring.

I went for a drive in my friend’s Lexus 4x4 and couldn’t understand why cars kept flashing us until he told me that the lights are so bright that people think the main beam is on.

Tom Cockeram.

Yes. You could look past the older lights, even on full beam, but when out in the country with no ambient light, new lights are totally blinding.

Jules Baxter.

On a dark, bendy country road, I’ve had to come to a stop while oncoming traffic passed.

Liz Smyth.

Definitely yes! Don’t like driving at night now because I keep getting blinded by oncoming traffic, especially on narrower roads

Far-right extremism is on the rise in Yorkshire, counterter­ror chief warns

David McMurdo.

If right-wing is being extremist, what do they call a left-winger. If your views are not to one’s liking, then you are classed as an extremist. Free speech is a term from the past.

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