Yorkshire Post

Syria invites internatio­nal probe of alleged poison gas attack on civilians


SYRIA SAID it has invited the internatio­nal chemical weapons watchdog to send a fact-finding mission into the country to investigat­e a suspected poison gas attack near Damascus over the weekend.

The Foreign Ministry said Syria will help the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to investigat­e the alleged attack, which opposition activists say killed 40 people over the weekend.

The Syrian government denied it carried out a poison gas attack in Douma, the last rebelheld town in the eastern Ghouta suburbs.

Washington has threatened to take military action against Syria to punish it for the alleged attack.

Syria called on the OPCW to work with “full transparen­cy and rely on credible and tangible evidence”.

Meanwhile, US president Donald Trump will miss an upcoming summit in South America and will remain in the US to “oversee the American response to Syria and to monitor developmen­ts around the world”.

White House spokeswoma­n Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that Mr Trump will not attend the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru or travel to Bogota, Colombia as planned. Vice president Mike Pence will travel in his place.

The summit was scheduled to begin on April 13.

Mr Trump said on Monday he would “forcefully” respond to the alleged chemical weapons attack.

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