Yorkshire Post

Hull firms warn over declining market


BUSINESSES IN the Hull area have reported a “rapidly toughening marketplac­e”.

A survey of members of the Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce has shown balance figures for the Home Sales and Home Orders sectors were both markedly down, 16 and 14 points respective­ly, dropping from 28 and 17 in Q4 of 2017 to 12 and 3 this quarter.

Export Sales and Orders were also on the slide this quarter, with Export Sales dropping 29 points and Export Orders down by 40 points, with a balance figure of –4, the first time it has dropped into negative territory since the third quarter of 2016.

Chamber chief executive Dr Ian Kelly, said: “These figures are a matter of some concern with all the key sectors showing a decline in the Humber in the first quarter of the year.

“The chamber is sensing a rapidly toughening marketplac­e for our local businesses.

“The national picture, with the exception of the export sector, is also muted despite quite strong global trading conditions.”

Overheads were the biggest concern for respondent­s this quarter, with more than half of firms airing their concerns, while pay settlement­s and raw material costs were also high on the agenda.

Access to finance was less of a worry, with only a quarter of firms highlighti­ng that as a concern, down from 37 points in the last quarter of 2017.

Business rate fears rose for the third consecutiv­e quarter too.

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