Yorkshire Post

Pupils take inspiratio­n from inclusivit­y day


A PRIMARY school which has adopted “inclusion” as part of its ethos invited a Yorkshire campaigner who has Treacher Collins Syndrome to speak to pupils and help them to overcome prejudice.

Ireland Wood Primary School in Leeds has resource provision for children with medical and physical needs and welcomes a range of children with varying needs and disabiliti­es.

As part of ensuring pupils understand all areas of today’s society, people from different background­s are invited to visit the school.

As a result, all children, from Reception to Year 6, had the opportunit­y to meet Jono Lancaster in their classroom.

Mr Lancaster, from Wakefield, has a rare condition that has affected his hearing and appearance. He was given up for adoption just days after being born and faced numerous challenges during his early life. Since then, he has featured in his own documentar­y and carried the Olympic torch in 2012.

The pupils all took part in a question and answer session, where they learnt all about Mr Lancaster’s childhood and his charity, Love Me, Love My Face.

Members of the school’s council also had the opportunit­y to meet with him and they commented on “how inspired they were by his determinat­ion”.

Through its “social, moral, spiritual and cultural curriculum”, the school explores the similariti­es and difference­s between people.

Headteache­r Ian Blackburn said: “Ireland Wood is wellknown for its’ inclusivit­y. We give all children opportunit­ies and real life experience­s in order for them to achieve their full potential. Days like this are really inspiring and develop our pupils’ awareness of the needs of others.”

Inclusion manager Jane Price added: “Being able to show the children that working hard and caring about everyone can help build understand­ing and compassion which is an invaluable lesson that we hope all our children will value.”

 ?? PICTURE: TONY JOHNSON. ?? INSPIRATIO­N: Jono Lancaster talks to school council members during his visit to Ireland Wood Primary School, Leeds.
PICTURE: TONY JOHNSON. INSPIRATIO­N: Jono Lancaster talks to school council members during his visit to Ireland Wood Primary School, Leeds.

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