Yorkshire Post

New mayor is a first step on way to One Yorkshire


THE ELECTION of Dan Jarvis as the first mayor for the Sheffield City Region is fantastic news for South Yorkshire.

He is a talented leader who will work tirelessly to unite all the different initiative­s to create more jobs, attract investment and help grow a diverse and thriving economy.

Yorkshire is a unique place. We are rightly proud of our culture and identity. The Yorkshire “brand” is known right across the world.

But we should be more ambitious and set the bar high when it comes to what we want to achieve for the region and everyone who lives and works here.

Dan’s election as the mayor of the Sheffield City Region was a landmark moment. But let’s not stop here. The election of the new mayor should be a stepping stone to securing greater powers for the whole of Yorkshire. As both Dan and

have strongly argued, we need more devolution for the whole county in the form of the “One Yorkshire” proposal.

The idea already has the backing of 18 of the county’s 20 local authoritie­s and it is one that we should work with the new mayor to deliver.

I believe wider devolution would give us the strongest possible voice and help us close the North-South divide and break down the dominance of London and the South-East.

A countywide devolution deal already has overwhelmi­ng public support. In a community poll held by Doncaster and Barnsley councils in December, 85 per cent of those who voted said they would rather be part of a Yorkshire deal as against just a Sheffield City Region one.

A single mayor for the whole region would help unlock greater investment, build confidence and us help fight for the best possible deal for Yorkshire when it came to securing Government funds and private investment.

But I would like to see the powers of the Sheffield City Region mayor extended beyond transport issues to cover other areas like housing and infrastruc­ture funding.

There has never been a more important time to rebalance our economy away from London and the South.

We are already losing ground to areas that have elected metromayor­s when it comes to central Government funding.

And, we saw last week the risks that Yorkshire faces from London with the news of the proposed merger of Asda and Sainsbury’s.

Asda has long been part of the economic and civic infrastruc­ture of Leeds.

Yet, despite the promises of the two companies that the Leeds HQ will remain after the merger, my fear is that all the power and decision-making will reside in London.

The proposed merger is a clear case of why we need strong regional government to stand up for the best interests of the people of Leeds and across the county.

It is possible that the Competitio­ns and Markets Authority might compel the merged company to sell off some of its stores and assets. That could put jobs at risk in our region and is an obvious reason why we need a powerful voice to oppose any closures in Yorkshire.

We need more devolved powers to shape our own destiny so that decisions that affect Yorkshire are taken in Yorkshire – not 200 miles away in Westminste­r and Whitehall.

I believe Yorkshire Forward, the regional developmen­t agency for Yorkshire and the Humber until 2012, worked well when it came to encouragin­g private and public investment in education, skills, infrastruc­ture and the environmen­t.

I hope that the One Yorkshire plan could eventually pave the way for similar success under the stewardshi­p of a directly elected mayor for Yorkshire to be in place by 2020.

With the Government’s support, I am sure the new structure could lay the groundwork to nurture a much larger, more innovative and diverse economy to the benefit of all the 5.3 million people who live in Yorkshire.

Our sense of community and our proud sense of identity is something we should use to drive forward change and make One Yorkshire a reality.

After receiving the One Yorkshire blueprint, the Government said it would welcome discussion­s on any widely supported proposal for a greater Yorkshire devolution deal.

The uncertaint­y over what could happen as a result of the Asda and Sainsbury’s merger has shown us why we need the greatest possible influence over what happens in Yorkshire.

That is why we need to seize the opportunit­y and build on Dan Jarvis’s victory to get greater devolved powers for all of Yorkshire. I will be working with the new mayor and our council leaders to keep the pressure up to make One Yorkshire a reality.

As the Confederat­ion of British Industry put it, wider devolution would be “good for jobs, good for growth”. There is no doubt about that.

Yorkshire is a great county with a great heritage. But it could be even better with an even stronger and more prosperous economy. The Government needs to listen to the people of Yorkshire and give us the powers that we want and need.

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