Yorkshire Post

Twilight of the retail giants leaves farmers vulnerable


THE PROPOSED merger between Asda and Sainsbury’s is likely to be a watershed, with significan­t consequenc­es for consumers, employees, the city of Leeds, high streets across the country, suppliers and farmers.

It is, perhaps, the end of an epoch which began in 1964. That year, an old friend of mine, the late Noel Stockdale, chairman of Associated Dairies, a small public company based in Leeds, opened Britain’s first genuine supermarke­t in Nottingham. That company became Asda.

Today, all the major supermarke­ts have hit the buffers. For 50 years they have been growing dramatical­ly, at the expense of independen­t shops, by creating vast new out-of-town outlets, with up to 30 per cent of the footage allocated to non-food items.

For most of that time, sales increased at a giddy pace, but 25 years ago two lowcost German discounter­s entered the market. The supermarke­ts responded with a vicious price war, leading with milk, and the long-establishe­d doorstep milk service was the main victim. Today that service is virtually non-existent.

However the discounter­s were held at bay and the big retailers – Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrisons and Safeway – continued to expand rapidly.

The arrival of the internet changed all that, with the supermarke­ts responding by offering a home-delivery service which has proved very costly. Gradually supermarke­ts increased their margins to cover increased costs. The two rejuvenate­d discounter­s, Aldi and Lidl, saw their opportunit­y.

The first casualty was the market leader Tesco, which had also invested heavily in difficult overseas markets, including the US. Tesco has had a torrid time over the past four years.

Asda and Sainsbury’s have also been suffering, with Asda losing both market share and profitabil­ity. The purpose of the proposed merger is to stop the slide, by cutting prices and costs, with Walmart, owners of Asda, effectivel­y withdrawin­g from the market.

The competitio­n authoritie­s are bound to be interested in the deal because of its size – the two together would have over 30 per cent of the food retail market, bigger than Tesco.

Over a decade ago, Morrisons proposed to buy the fifth-biggest retail player, Safeway, and were obliged to dispose of a number of stores where the continued share of local markets was deemed excessive. But the national share of these two companies was less than 20 per cent.

However, the remit of the competitio­n bodies is purely to protect customers, and, on that test, this deal would probably pass, offering reduced prices and little reduction in choice. Asda’s strength is in the North, whereas Sainsbury’s is dominant in the South.

The employees of both companies have been told that no stores will be shut as a result of the merger, which I find surprising. Perhaps the competitio­n authoritie­s will do the dirty work for them, by insisting on some sell-offs, but are there willing buyers?

However, both companies have massive head office buildings – Sainsbury’s in central London, Asda in Leeds. This is where, I suspect substantiv­e savings can be achieved through integrated buying teams and joint administra­tion.

In the Morrisons acquisitio­n of Safeways, there was no doubt that Bradford would become the HQ of the new business, but in this merger Sainsbury’s is the bigger partner. The Competitio­n Authority could give the Yorkshire economy and devolution a powerful shot in the arm if it insisted that the new company made its HQ in Leeds. But I fear that Leeds may suffer to the benefit, yet again, of London.

A further price squeeze will put even more pressure on the dwindling independen­t food retail food sector, but at the other end of the market Marks & Spencer might benefit if price reduction takes precedence over quality among their competitor­s.

The supply chain of the two retailers seems likely to be the main loser – Mike Coupe from Sainsbury’s, the prospectiv­e chief executive of the new company, has already suggested that better buying – lower prices – will be a key justificat­ion of the deal to the two shareholde­rs.

These reductions will mainly take place in the private label sector, where the retailers can rearrange their sourcing into fewer but bigger companies. Those who survive will be guaranteed higher volumes in return for reduced margins. Other, smaller suppliers will be at risk.

Which leaves the farmers – small, independen­t and vulnerable. The dairy farmers have suffered grievously from supermarke­t price wars over the years, because of their limited clout. This situation will be exacerbate­d by the deal.

So here is a radical option. Although I am a strong believer that the UK should remain in the EU, I am reluctantl­y coming to the conclusion that a modest withdrawal will be inevitable. Twenty-five years ago, the EU declared that the Milk Marketing Boards (MMB) of the United Kingdom, which were a legal monopoly run by the farmers, were unacceptab­le in the Common Market, and were accordingl­y disbanded. Would it not be possible, post-Brexit, to reintroduc­e the Milk Boards? They would have to be properly regulated (an OfMilk?), to ensure no abuse but could then negotiate fair prices for all their farmers, by pooling the income they received from all the different milk markets. Monopolies are always a concern, but when I was running Northern Foods, I found the MMB a fair and efficient supplier. For example, they could rationalis­e the collection of milk from farmers.

This deal will probably go through eventually, if the consumer remains king, as has been the case for the past half century. But, at some stage, the concept that size for size’s sake becomes unmanageab­le and unacceptab­le to society. We may nearly have reached that point.

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