Yorkshire Post

Tide turns as we confront plastic threat to oceans


AT THE Commonweal­th summit two weeks ago, the Prime Minister outlined her key priorities for oceans. The 53 nations set out a Commonweal­th blue charter, which highlighte­d the key approaches to issues affecting the blue sea. It was important that we could work together to find an interest in how to develop the responses to some of those challenges, particular­ly those that focus on improvemen­ts to oceans, and on plastics.

Commonweal­th member states will join forces in the fight against plastic pollution by pledging action and enterprisi­ng approaches such as the global ‘ghost gear’ initiative, which seeks to encourage the greater removal of marine litter caused by fishing. Seven countries have come forward so far in support of the alliance: New Zealand, Australia, Kenya, Ghana, St Lucia, Fiji and Sri Lanka. Engaging companies and nongovernm­ental organisati­ons will be essential to meet the challenge of plastic pollution.

The Commonweal­th clean oceans alliance will work in partnershi­p with the World Economic Forum, Sky, Waitrose, Coca-Cola, Fauna and Flora Internatio­nal and the World Wide Fund for Nature to share expertise and experience, and push for global change. The Prime Minister also announced £61.4m in funding to boost global research and to help countries across the Commonweal­th to stop plastic waste from entering the oceans.

Our deposit return scheme has been highlighte­d. It is key to boost recycling rates and reduce littering of those bottles. As has been said, it will be subject to consultati­on later this year. One of the challenges is that in this country we use more plastic material in the on-thego environmen­t than any other country around the world.

We have to recognise that the process that individual­s use, and the way the scheme is processed, is quite different in Norway, Sweden and Germany, which I went to see. We need to consider how we can bring the scheme in line with transport activities. On-the-go activity needs to be considered to ensure that, instead of people throwing plastics away to be disbanded or having always to take them back to their homes or to a particular supermarke­t, there are potentiall­y ways open to submit them at a rail station or something similar nearby.

We have already committed to reforming our producer responsibi­lity schemes to better incentivis­e producers to be more resource-efficient. We are already talking to industry and other groups about how we might reform the packaging waste regulation­s.

Earlier this year we announced our world-leading ban on microbeads in rinse-off personal care products, which will finally come into force before the end of next month. Furthermor­e, we have announced that subject to a consultati­on later this year, we will remove the sale of plastic straws, plastic drink stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds in England. We will consider, however, that straws may be required by some consumers who suffer from disabiliti­es and other medical conditions.

Our plastic bag charge has been in place since 2015. To give credit to the other nations, England was the last to introduce it. We have had huge success since then, with more than nine billion bags being taken out of circulatio­n.

We have announced that we will take further action on all plastic bags and, in the short term, newsagents have started to take proactive action. Recent research by the Centre for Environmen­t, Fisheries and Aquacultur­e Science showed a decrease in the amount of plastic bags found on the UK’s seabed.

We will continue to look at ways to reduce plastic waste. Improving and encouragin­g the removal of high-harm material should be encouraged. In his Spring Statement, the Chancellor launched a call for evidence to seek views on how the tax system or charges could reduce waste from single-use plastics. We need to get better at understand­ing potential forms, sources and types of impact of different types of marine litter.

The Government cannot do it alone. We support initiative­s such as Fishing for Litter, the beach cleans run by the Marine Conservati­on Society and Surfers Against Sewage, and the other work that people do every day to clean up our seas and look for new ways to reuse and recycle what is recovered.

We are pleased that Morrisons has recently announced that it will sign the global ghost gear initiative.

We are delighted to be supporting the groundbrea­king UK plastics pact that was announced last week, which brings together more than 40 companies, NGOs and the Government with the aim of creating a circular economy to tackle plastic waste.

We will continue to work with other countries, NGOs, industry and experts from across the board to go further.

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