Yorkshire Post

MP urges council to reconsider its plans to close down more children’s centres


ROTHERHAM MP Sarah Champion has spoken up for her community over the closure of the town’s children’s centres.

She has written to Rotherham Council to raise objections at the proposed implementa­tion of phases two and three of the council’s Early Help Plan.

The proposals, which have entered public consultati­on, would see the closure of two children’s centres within the Rotherham constituen­cy, Park View and Broom Valley, as well as the closure of Herringtho­rpe Youth Club.

Research by the Sutton Trust has revealed that as many as 1,000 Sure Start centres across the country have closed since 2009 – twice as many as the Government has reported.

Ms Champion said: “Children’s centres are a vital first port of call for many families, providing expert support, helping to signpost access to other services and making sure children get the best start in life. It is really disappoint­ing that the council intends to close yet more centres in Rotherham.

“The council is of course being placed under huge financial pressure by central Government and I understand that they need to consider every option. But I strongly believe cuts like this are counterpro­ductive and may even end up costing the council more in the long run as early interventi­on and prevention are always the cheapest and best solution.

“RMBC needs to explore every option to protect remaining children’s centres and I hope they will reconsider these damaging and short-sighted proposals.”

The Sure Start Children’s Centre programme, introduced in 1998 by the last Labour government, brought together ‘under one roof’ services for young children and their families. Focused initially on the most disadvanta­ged areas in England, the programme was later extended to all areas.

By its peak in August 2009, there were 3,632 centres, with more than half in the 30 per cent most disadvanta­ged areas.

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