Yorkshire Post

Chief of university hit by cuts step down


THE VICE-CHANCELLOR of a university where 165 staff have been facing redundancy has announced that he is to step down.

Brian Cantor, who was appointed to the role at the University of Bradford in 2013, will leave at the end of the current academic year in 2019.

He will take up new a role as Emeritus Professor at the University of Oxford.

In a letter to staff in July, Prof Cantor warned that about 165 jobs could be lost amid a “tough” operating environmen­t and a fall in applicatio­ns.

Bradford Labour MPs Imran Hussain, Judith Cummins and Naz Shah called on the university to halt the job losses.

Public sector union Unison gave notice of a ballot for industrial action and an online petition was launched calling for a vote of no confidence against the ViceChance­llor.

In a statement Prof Cantor said: “It has been a great privilege to be Vice-Chancellor at Bradford.

“When I moved to Bradford, we agreed a plan of renewing the university’s self-confidence as one of Britain’s first technology universiti­es, enhancing the academic and managerial quality of the university, and then moving into investment-led growth.

“We have made great strides in the first two, but we have had to put growth on hold because of difficult external circumstan­ces, leading to the management changes currently under way.

“I want to help see through these changes, which are essential for the future strength of the university.”

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