Yorkshire Post

Baseball bat killer must serve at least 20 years


A MURDERER was told he must spend a minimum of 20 years behind bars for killing a man with a baseball bat during a burglary.

Declan Bickerdike, 19, was handed the lengthy sentence after being found guilty of murdering Clifford Amoh at his home in Leeds.

Bickerdike used the weapon to inflict horrific head injuries after forcing his way into Mr Amoh’s home with a gang to steal cannabis plants.

Leeds Crown Court heard the 29-year-old Marks & Spencer worker had received threats on Facebook days before the attack that his door was going to be kicked in and he would be killed.

Bickerdike, aged 17 at the time, and four other men kicked their way into the property on Coldcotes Crescent, Gipton, at 2am on May 7, 2016.

The four men went upstairs in search of the plants while Bickerdike remained downstairs. Jurors heard it was likely that Mr Amoh was laid on a settee when Bickerdike used a baseball bat to strike three heavy blows to the head.

Judge Tom Bayliss, QC, said the online threats may explain why Mr Amoh had a Samurai sword and a baseball bat in the property. He told the defendant: “While the other four went upstairs to steal the cannabis plants you went in to the downstairs sitting room where you encountere­d Clifford Amoh on the sofa. You could have left. Instead you armed yourself with a baseball bat that was to hand.”

Bickerdike, formerly of High Ash Crescent, Alwoodley, was also found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent over an attack on a fellow inmate while he was being held in custody in Doncaster.

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