Yorkshire Post

Gardening project hailed for its impact on improved mental health


A GARDENING project in Selby, with an allotment rented by North Yorkshire County Council, has been set up to help people struggling with mental health.

The initiative, from the Community Recovery team at Selby Town Council, has seen a parcel of land cleared, with a crop of potatoes, carrots and soon, Halloween pumpkins. Organisers say members are already seeing the benefits, enjoying growing and tending vegetables and flowers weekly at the site, and through group or one-to-one support.

“The benefits of gardening for mental health and wellbeing are well-establishe­d,” said county councillor Michael Harrison, the executive member for health integratio­n at North Yorkshire County Council.

“Outdoor activities have been shown to help to relieve stress and help manage mental illhealth. I’m sure the allotment will offer significan­t therapeuti­c value, supporting people in their recovery, offering a social network and opportunit­ies to create and to relax.”

The site had been in a bad state of repair but constructi­on company Nomenca helped level paths, creating patios and a raised bed.

Richard Webb, the corporate director of health and adult services at the county council, said: “One in four of us will experience a mental health issue at some point in our lives.

“It’s great to see what something like an allotment can do to help people take more control of their mental health and feel better for doing so.”

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