Yorkshire Post

Invaluable work of charity’s trustees


A NORTH Yorkshire charity has spoken of the “invaluable” role of its trustees who have helped it to raise more than £100,000 to fund a new permanent home in less than a year, as charities across the region mark Trustee Week.

Caroline Shepherdso­n first came into contact with Ryedale Special Families when she moved to Norton seven years ago with her two children, the eldest of whom, Daniel, now 13, was diagnosed with Asperger’s.

Two years ago, she became a trustee, around the same time her second son, Matthew, nine, was also diagnosed with the condition. The charity supports more than 400 families with disabled children.

Mrs Shepherdso­n, 49, is now using her logistics and planning skills from the world of work to help the charity find and fund its first ever non-rented home.

She said: “After my second son was diagnosed, I got so much support that I just felt I wanted to give something back. It just happened naturally that I wanted to get more involved.”

The charity’s chief officer Lisa Keenan said it heavily relied upon its 12 trustees.

“When we began 20 years ago, as a group of parents coming together to support each other, it was quite rare for a group to be so user-led – but that is how it has always been, and with our trustees, continues to be,” she said. ”There’s quite a lot that is expected of parents – especially the parents of a child with a disability – to do this on top is amazing.”

Sarah Atkinson, director of policy at the Charity Commission, said the hard work that trustees put into running charities “is vital to our society”.

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