Yorkshire Post

Four go on trial over horse meat scandal


FOUR PEOPLE have gone on trial in Paris over an elaborate alleged scheme that fed consumers across Europe frozen foods containing cheap horse meat fraudulent­ly labelled as pricier beef.

The defendants at the trial, which is expected to last three weeks, included two former executives of French company Spanghero, accused of various fraud charges, and two Dutch meat traders.

The French executives – former Spanghero director Jacques Poujol and an ex-plant director Patrice Monguillon – are accused of selling more than 538 tons of horse meat mislabelle­d as beef to Tavola, a subsidiary of Comigel, a French company whose frozen meals were sold to companies across Europe.

They are also accused of lying about the meat’s origins, which was advertised as French meat but came from Romania, Belgium or Canada.

Both denied intentiona­l wrongdoing.

They are suspected of setting up the scheme, which ran between January 2012 and February 2013, with the complicity of the traders, Hendricus Windmeijer and Johannes Fasen.

The four have been charged with conspiracy to defraud clients and consumers and could face up to 10 years in prison.

Windmeijer, Poujol and Monguillon were present at the Paris court but Fasen did not appear.

The scandal broke in 2013 in Britain and quickly spread as horse meat turned up across Europe in frozen supermarke­t meals such as burgers and lasagne, as well as in beef pasta sauce, on restaurant menus, in school lunches and in hospital meals.

Millions of products were pulled from shop shelves in Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The hearing continues.

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