Yorkshire Post

Mutiny ‘put down’ as unrest grows in Venezuela


VENEZUELA’S GOVERNMENT said it has put down a mutiny by a national guard unit in a poor neighbourh­ood a few miles from the presidenti­al palace.

The uprising triggered protests in the same neighbourh­ood that were dispersed with tear gas.

The armed forces said in a statement that they had captured all those involved in what they described as “treasonous” acts motivated by “obscure interests tied to the far right”.

They said a small group of guardsmen took captive a captain in charge of a police station in western Caracas and then moved across the capital in two military trucks to the poor neighbourh­ood of Petare, where they stole a cache of weapons from another outpost.

They met resistance and were caught hours later at a national guard outpost two miles from the Miraflores presidenti­al palace.

The armed forces said all the weapons had been recovered and the mutinous troops captured.

A few hours earlier, a group of heavily armed national guardsmen published a series of videos on social media saying they will not recognise President Nicolas Maduro’s government, which has come under increasing domestic and internatio­nal pressure over a newly launched second term that the opposition-controlled congress and many nations consider illegitima­te.

In one of the videos, a man identifyin­g himself as 3rd Sgt Figueroa, addressing the “people of Venezuela”, urges his compatriot­s to take to the streets to show support for their rebellion.

“You asked to take to the streets to defend the constituti­on, well here we are,” he said.

“You wanted us to light the fuse, so we did. We need your support,” he added.

Pressure has been mounting on Mr Maduro to cede power after he began a second, six-year term this month.

The US and dozens of other foreign government­s consider it illegitima­te, in part because he banned several leading opponents from running against him.

 ??  ?? FLASHPOINT: Anti-government protesters create roadblocks during clashes in Caracas.
FLASHPOINT: Anti-government protesters create roadblocks during clashes in Caracas.

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