Yorkshire Post

Time to sort out political circus and move on to real issues


From: Jean Lorriman, Waterloo, Huddersfie­ld.

AT least Theresa May cannot be accused of lacking sobriety in tackling Brexit while her predecesso­r, David Cameron, looked positively youthful as he tried to explain away why it was not his fault. This has become a circus. Time to get it sorted (Justine Greening, The Yorkshire Post, January 19)and tackle real issues – poverty, crime, state of NHS and care of the elderly. Enough is enough. We are the laughing stock of Europe. From: John Large, Scarboroug­h.

GET set for a hold on Brexit and having another General Election, as the Prime Minister won’t lose face on the deal on the table being voted down. Our Government and leaders are running around like headless chickens.

We will see many changes in 2019, some good, some bad, but keep calm and carry on. Our history shows we are a great country. We will see that in the years going forward. We are not daft, stupid or idiots, we are Great Britain and Northern Ireland. From: Canon Michael Storey, Healey Wood Road, Brighouse.

I SUPPORT Tom Richmond’s comments (The Yorkshire Post, January 19) regarding the failure of the 1979 referendum in favour of creating a Scottish Assembly to reach the pre-agreed 40 per cent threshold.

David Cameron’s ill-thoughtout referendum asked for no margin of victory, hence it produced 37 per cent in favour of leaving the EU, 34 per cent for staying and 29 per cent not voting either way. Hence the Government has problems pleasing everyone!

All the more reason for all parties to put together a policy which would get through Parliament and respect the 2016 vote.

From: Barrie Crowther, Walton, Wakefield.

WE are being slowly and stealthily being asset-stripped by the EU. Grants from the EU are used by well-known British companies to relocate to other countries at the expense of our workers. This is ploy by the EU to bring Britain into line, although of course they will deny it. Remain MPs who think the EU is good for British industry have simply not paid attention to what is actually going on. It is all our interests to leave – deal or no deal – on March 29.

From: Allen Jenkinson, Milnsbridg­e, Huddersfie­ld.

BRITAIN voted to leave the EU, not for a deal with it. A deal, any deal, would infer that we are not going to.

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