Yorkshire Post

Charity in concern over benefit delays


HALF OF the people who Citizens Advice helps with Universal Credit are struggling to keep a roof over their heads while they wait for their first payments, the charity has warned.

Nearly half of all people the charity helped were in rent arrears or fell behind on their mortgage payments, despite the wait for their first payment being reduced from six weeks to five, according to Citizens Advice.

The charity also found 60 per cent of people it helped are taking out advances while they wait for payment. The report, Managing Money on Universal Credit, reveals analysis based on 190,000 people Citizens Advice has helped with Universal Credit.

Universal Credit which helps people with their living costs replaces several other benefits such as income support and housing benefit. But concerns have repeatedly been raised as the scheme has been rolled out about it causing hardship and suffering.

Citizens Advice said Universal Credit still needs to be made far more flexible to make sure people have enough money to live on.

Gillian Guy, the chief executive of Citizens Advice, said: “Universal Credit must continue to be reformed so it works for all claimants and leaves people with enough money to live on.”

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “We will continue to work closely with Citizens Advice and other stakeholde­rs to develop our approach in order to provide the best possible support for all of our claimants.”

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