Yorkshire Post

Holby City star’s daughter ‘filmed by boyfriend as she overdosed’


THE DAUGHTER of Holby City actor John Michie was filmed by her boyfriend as she overdosed on drugs at a music festival, a court has heard.

Louella Fletcher-Michie, 24, was given the drugs by her on-off boyfriend Ceon Broughton, 29, and died as her parents rushed to help her, it is alleged.

She took the class A party drug 2-CP at Bestival in Dorset on September 10, 2017, and died in woodland. Her parents rushed to the site after calling Broughton as Ms Fletcher-Michie overdosed and hearing her “screeching”, Winchester Crown Court heard.

But, Broughton insisted she was fine and referred to Ms Fletcher-Michie as a “drama queen”, jurors heard yesterday.

Broughton, of Enfield, north London, denies manslaught­er and supplying Ms FletcherMi­chie the drug.

Prosecutor William Mousley QC said Broughton did not get LOUELLA FLETCHER-MICHIE: help because he was handed a suspended jail term one month earlier and feared the consequenc­es.

He said: “She died as a result of having taken a large dose of, later described by the defendant as an overdose, of a class A drug known colloquial­ly as 2-CP, which he had given her at a music festival.”

Mr Mousley added: “It had a terrible effect upon her, leading to her death after a significan­t period of suffering in woods close to the festival site, all of which he must have observed.”

Ms Fletcher-Michie was found dead by a security steward in the woodland, 400m from the festival’s hospital tent, at around 1am.

Jurors were told Ms FletcherMi­chie occasional­ly used party drugs, including 2-CP and MDMA, and tried to take pills into Bestival which were confiscate­d.

She told Broughton, who travelled to the event separately, and he replied “that he would bring some”, the jury heard.

Stephen Kamlish QC, defending, said Broughton and Ms Fletcher-Michie “were in love with each other” and “soulmates”.

He said: “You will hear from experts that no one has ever been known to die from taking this drug (2-CP) or taking an overdose.”

The trial continues.

 ??  ?? Died after taking the Class A party drug 2-CP at Bestival in Dorset.
Died after taking the Class A party drug 2-CP at Bestival in Dorset.

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