Yorkshire Post

Hundreds sign petition to save Old Town Hall


MOMENTUM IS gathering as more than 1,000 people have now signed a petition to save one of Sheffield’s most historic buildings from deteriorat­ing and bring it back into public use.

The Friends of the Old Town Hall, which launched the petition on Friday, has more than doubled the 500 signature target it was aiming for over the weekend.

In a post on Twitter, the group said: “We are blown away by your support. Please continue to sign and share and let’s get this building back off the current owners and return it to the people of Sheffield.”

The Grade II-listed building, located in Castlegate, was once Sheffield’s Town Hall and courthouse which it served as for nearly 200 years. It closed in 1996 and has since been left to deteriorat­e.

The Friends said: “Years of neglect and a badly leaking roof are destroying the beautiful and historic interior of this once proud symbol of Sheffield’s civic pride. We cannot stand by and let this happen.”

Bought by G1 London Properties in 2004, the building has since been listed for sale.

The Friends now want to restore it to its former glory, at an estimated cost of £10m. The group is now urging Sheffield City Council to use its powers of compulsory purchase so it can achieve this and bring it back into public use.

The petition must gain 5,000 signatures for it to be debated at a full council meeting.

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