Yorkshire Post

Reasons to delay a deal with Brussels


From: Mike Smethurst, Rotherham.

THE only certainty about Brexit so far is that nobody knows what the outcome will be, especially with Parliament demanding that no-deal be dropped. One wonders, however, who would lose most from no-deal, bearing in mind the value of our imports from the EU is greater than our exports going the other way. German industrial­ists have said they cannot afford to lose a British market worth £40bn per year, especially with Germany on the brink of recession.

Italy is now officially in recession and is already at odds with the EU over the budgets they have set. A quick search on the internet shows French wine exports to Britain at £8bn a year whilst British tourists to Spain generate £27bn. With their youth unemployme­nt at 25 per cent, how high would that rise without our tourism income?

This year sees EU elections in all member states and with rumblings of dissatisfa­ction coming from Italy, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and Germany, we could see a new political landscape which might create a more favourable environmen­t for improving withdrawal terms.

Without Britain, the whole economic future of the EU could be in doubt which may be why they seem intent on pushing us towards no-deal in the hope we will eventually decide to stay, thereby achieving their real aim. Perhaps a six months delay in our departure might be useful?

From: Karl Sheridan, Old Lea, Holme upon Spalding Moor.

LIKE most people, I have strong views on Brexit. Given that we were offered the choice, I voted to leave because being of an age where I remember the Common Market being just that – friendly economic trading partners linked by like-minded values.

However what really really annoys me was the total lack of forethough­t from both the Remain and the Brexit groups who instigated the whole thing. Neither side gave the public the true facts. It was all pie-in-the-sky promises or dire threats of economic destructio­n, but none of it based on factual evidence.

Yes, we the leavers had a romantic idea that Britain could/ can survive outside the EU.

We probably voted leave because we were, and still are, disillusio­ned by the political system and politician­s themselves, many who change allegiance­s, distort the truth, avoid giving straight answers and fight to save their careers above everything else.

However the Tory government is to blame the most, failing to grasp even the basic ramificati­ons and damage that allowing us a referendum – should it go against them – could, and would, cause to us as a nation. No one foresaw the Irish problem. No one foresaw the fisheries problems, no one foresaw the screws being tightened by Brussels. No one foresaw the ministeria­l bureaucrac­y and cock-ups that would result.

From: David Downs, Sandal, Wakefield.

I CONGRATULA­TE Michael O’Sullivan on his excellent letter (The Yorkshire Post, February 2) about the Brexit stance of various Labour MPs, but why miss out Hemsworth MP Jon Trickett?

I suggest that it might be because Mr Trickett keeps his head below the parapet and curries favour with whoever is leading his party.

He seems to be busy playing party politics and sending emails, like he has done in the last few days, asking every government department how many employees they employ on various projects.

From: Paul Muller, Sandal Wakefield.

WHAT is democracy? The people can change their minds and vote every four or five years for the government that they want. This is what happens in most Western nations.

What is dictatorsh­ip? The people cannot change their minds and cannot vote for a change under penalty of imprisonme­nt or execution.

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