Yorkshire Post


- Jayne Dowle

I’LL TELL you one thing about people from Yorkshire. If there’s a tough thing to say, we’ll look you in the eye and say it. Not so Communitie­s Secretary James Brokenshir­e who delivered the Government’s rejection of the One Yorkshire devolution bid by a letter emailed to council leaders – and a press release.

Press release? I’m speaking both as a journalist and a proud Yorkshirew­oman here, and I recognise this as a huge insult. I can see exactly why he did it. And that makes it even worse. This perfunctor­y method of delivering informatio­n is the easiest and quickest way to quell argument and silence debate.

What’s more, One Yorkshire campaign leaders were not even given any advance warning. How disrespect­ful is that? And coldly calculatin­g on the part of the Government, which gave them no time to consider a timely response.

Above all, that the fate of more than five million people living and working in the largest region in the UK did not even merit a public airing in the House of Commons beggars belief.

I’m assuming that Brokenshir­e thinks that the matter will quietly disappear beneath the waves in all the tumult over Brexit until he’s eventually turfed out of office and it becomes someone else’s problem. In this, the Southend-born minister underestim­ates the strength of feeling we have here in Yorkshire.

How can it be that Manchester, Liverpool and the Tees Valley are already all using devolved powers handed down from Government to tackle issues of regenerati­on, health and economic growth whilst Yorkshire looks on in frustratio­n?

Well, admittedly, the history of the One Yorkshire campaign is long and fraught, with endemic disagreeme­nts between local authority leaders, MPs and ministers. I think that anyone familiar with the rich tapestry that is Yorkshire would not expect anything else, to be honest.

Fundamenta­lly though, Mr Brokenshir­e maintains that those locations already benefiting from devolved powers can be clearly regarded as “functional economic areas” – a criteria which Yorkshire, with its diversity of rural, urban and coastal communitie­s, struggles to fulfil.

If he really did meet the terms of his job descriptio­n, the Minister would work with local leaders to develop a strategy which actually respected the wealth of potential from all our industries, from steel-making and finance to fishing and farming, instead of dismissing the possibilit­y of pulling together out of hand.

How daft, as we might say, to ignore the fact that One Yorkshire could potentiall­y contribute £30bn a year to the economy. Just look at the success of our regional tourist industry spearheade­d by Welcome to Yorkshire. Consider the power of our leading universiti­es and teaching hospitals and the strength and flexibilit­y of new regional industries, such as logistics and factories building much-needed modular homes.

It should also be pointed out that our shocking lack of connectivi­ty as regards public transport and broadband speeds does not exactly help on the functional side. One Yorkshire would strengthen such bonds between city, town and rural communitie­s.

A united Yorkshire is a stronger Yorkshire and that can only be a good thing for the country overall. Instead, this high-handed approach from Westminste­r will only set local leader further against local leader, causing even more friction and factions to form.

Rather than attempting to engender a deal which puts the accent on unity, Brokenshir­e’s letter points to the alternativ­e. I’m no expert in battle tactics, but I’d say that this is what’s known as divide and conquer. Before this shock blow, the One Yorkshire campaign was gearing up with fresh impetus and the financial backing of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, which describes itself as “non-charitable funder of political campaigns in Britain to promote democratic reform, constituti­onal change and civil liberties”.

Campaigner­s were planning a spring conference. I hope that this still goes ahead. All efforts must be made to keep the issue of One Yorkshire on the public agenda; too many people have lost track – and patience – with the idea.

If Brexit has taught us one thing, it’s that we live in an era where single-issue politics makes the most impact on the public. The campaign needs to get the message further out there and capture imaginatio­ns. But how?

Whilst our devolution status did not merit a Commons announceme­nt, what is a matter of record is that this so-called ‘Communitie­s Secretary’ has made only one official visit to Yorkshire since his appointmen­t last year. Where are these communitie­s he serves I wonder? Could he pinpoint their borders on a map? Does he understand them, or even accept that they exist as living, breathing entities?

Surely, his role is to work with us, not against us. I suggest he revisits his cowardly decision and comes up to see us. And then we can show him a thing or two about looking people in the eye.

Surely his role is to work with us, not against us. I suggest he revisits his cowardly decision and comes up to see us. And then we can show him a thing or two about looking people in the eye.

 ??  ?? DIVIDE AND RULE: Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and Communitie­s Secretary James Brokenshir­e leave No 10 shortly before the latter rebuffed the One Yorkshire deal.
DIVIDE AND RULE: Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and Communitie­s Secretary James Brokenshir­e leave No 10 shortly before the latter rebuffed the One Yorkshire deal.
 ??  ??

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