Yorkshire Post

Patients ‘would not trust handover of health data to tech giants’


THE MAJORITY of the public would not trust NHS patient data being in the hands of multinatio­nal tech giants, even if it is made anonymous and unidentifi­able, a survey suggests.

While seven in 10 people acknowledg­ed that sharing anonymous patient data could improve healthcare and help develop more effective treatments, the same amount indicated that they would feel more comfortabl­e with research undertaken by organisati­ons such as universiti­es and companies regulated and residing in the UK.

Only 13 per cent of the 2081 UK adults surveyed by YouGov claimed they could trust multinatio­nal big tech companies to handle anonymised NHS patient data in a confidenti­al manner, with 76 per cent saying they do not support such informatio­n being analysed in countries which may have different laws governing data security and confidenti­ality to the UK.

“There’s little doubt that new technologi­es will play a part in delivering care in future, and the results from this study confirm that most people support the use of anonymised patient data for medical research purposes,” said Rachel Power, chief executive of the Patients Associatio­n.

“There is also widespread support for data to be safeguarde­d and analysed in the UK – and the Patients Associatio­n agrees that data should be used only for research purposes, and never accessed or used inappropri­ately.

“The sharing of patients’ informatio­n between care institutio­ns is essential to delivering joined-up care that works for the patient, and it is vitally important that this is done – with all appropriat­e safeguards, to ensure that sensitive informatio­n remains confidenti­al.”

A total of 102 MPs also took part in the survey, commission­ed by health technology firm Sensyne Health, with only 58 per cent suggesting that they would prefer the analysis of anonymous NHS patient data to be undertaken by a UK company than a multinatio­nal one – more Labour MPs felt this way (74 per cent) compared with Conservati­ve MPs (53 per cent).

Eight in 10 MPs said the Government should take steps to ensure that NHS data is protected as a national asset.

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