Yorkshire Post

Warning for disruptive air travellers


HOLIDAYMAK­ERS ARE being warned they could be jailed and fined tens of thousands of pounds if they get drunk and cause chaos on flights.

The aviation industry launched its summer 2019 One Too Many campaign yesterday, reminding passengers of the serious consequenc­es of being disruptive on planes and at airports.

Warnings are being posted on digital display screens in shops and food outlets at 14 UK airports. The campaign was first launched in summer 2018.

Disruptive passengers risk being handed a fine of up to £5,000 or a two-year prison sentence.

If they cause a flight to be diverted they can also be fined up to £80,000 to cover additional costs. Four men on a drunken stag party were jailed at Manchester Crown Court on Tuesday after fighting and using bad language on a Thomas Cook Airlines flight from Manchester to Las Vegas.

Civil Aviation Authority figures show the number of disruptive incidents in 2018 fell from 417 to 413 year-on-year, but some regional routes saw an increase. About a third of incidents are linked to alcohol. Aviation Minister Baroness Vere said: “The vast majority of passengers enjoy themselves responsibl­y, but there are a small minority that can make flying unpleasant or unsafe for others.

“We are clear this will not be tolerated.”

Tim Alderslade, chief executive of trade body Airlines UK, said: “We’ve seen some terrible incidents recently.

“Airline crew have a hard enough job as it is and they should not have to put up with the kind of behaviour we are seeing all too frequently. Carriers are the ones who have to bear the brunt of drunk and loutish behaviour and we will not hesitate to prosecute or issue lifetime bans if we deem it necessary.”

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