Yorkshire Post

Nazi slurs of Trump protesters betrays ignorance of facts


From: Keith Punshon, Willow Bridge Lane, Dalton, Thirsk.

THE horrifying reality of the Nazis can be seen in Auschwitz today, where it is clear that the considered decision to extend the truck railhead from the Camp gates into the camp itself, near the gas chambers, meant that they could kill more Jews in any given day. They increased the numbers murdered to 4,500 a day.

The videos released showing anti-Trump protesters attacking Trump supporters in London, shrieking “Nazi Scum” as they were jostled and pushed to the ground, pensioners included, shows the new raw reality of our politics.

The use of the words “fascist” and “Nazi”, appropriat­ed in virtue-signalling opposition to populist policies, shows not only a contempt for democracy which destroys dialogue and debate, but also a profound genuine ignorance of our history.

The Mayor of London, describing President Trump in those terms, beggars belief. Are we so really ignorant of the reality of fascism? So unaware of our history? The sacrifice of so many we remember and honour this D-Day Anniversar­y is smeared by those who use the freedom bought with their sacrifice with such contempt. In this divided country can we melt the snowflakes and begin to listen to others, or are we so ignorant of our past? It is time to respect democracy, or lose it to the mob.

From: Edward Grainger, Nunthorpe, Middlesbro­ugh.

ANDREW Vine (The Yorkshire Post, June 1) refers to the memorial to the Yorkshirem­en of the Green Howards on the main road in the village, on the Normandy coast, of Crepon.

This timely tribute marks the nation’s remembranc­e of the men who landed on the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944, and in particular the liberation of Crepon from the German occupying force.

I welcomed the brief reference to Stanley Hollis, the only man to win a Victory Cross on D-Day.

In his home town of Middlesbro­ugh, Stanley Hollis is regarded as one of the town’s greatest sons whose single act of bravery began the liberation of Europe.

From: Mr PL Taylor, Milner Street, Lockwood, Huddersfie­ld.

TO quote the late Sir Winston Churchill “jaw jaw” is better than “war war” (Tom Richmond, The Yorkshire Post, June 6).

Alas this no longer seems to apply in this modern age with all its conflicts.

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