Yorkshire Post

Daltrey and Townshend unveil first stone on Music Walk of Fame


THE MUSICIAN Roger Daltrey unveiled the first stone on the Music Walk of Fame in London’s Camden yesterday, shortly before he expects to undergo an operation on his throat.

Pete Townshend, his bandmate in The Who, remarked that the tribute should really have been on the Goldhawk Road in west London, where the two of them had come from.

As it was, they were presented with their award by Bobby Gillespie, of the band Primal Scream, at a ceremony in front of fans and friends including the musicians Suggs and Jazzie B.

“This isn’t really our neighbourh­ood,” said Townshend. But he added: “This is great. One of the biggest exports that we have in the UK for people of my age, who have grown up with music, is the fact that we are artistical­ly very talented.

“We have all contribute­d, we are all still contributi­ng and we will go on to do so, and this will be something that I think really is a measure of what we all do in this country.”

Daltrey, who has previously been treated for a pre-cancerous condition on his throat, added: “I can’t do much talking, I’m off for a voice op on Friday but just to say it’s great.

“It’s a shame it’s not in the Goldhawk Road but it’s great that it’s in Camden because Camden’s roots with the music business go way back.

“It has a really good history of supporting the music business, a great place to come for the best of the music that is out there at the moment, so may it long reign.”

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