Yorkshire Post

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters hail poll landslide as victory for people


HONG KONG’S pro-democracy opposition won a stunning landslide victory in weekend local elections in a clear rebuke to city leader Carrie Lam over her handling of violent protests that have divided the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.

Wu Chi-wai, leader of the city’s biggest pro-democracy party, said that the bloc swept nearly 90 per cent of 452 district council seats, which will help it take unpreceden­ted control of 17 out of 18 district councils.

The results were based on official tallies announced by election officials.

The result of Sunday’s elections could force the central government in Beijing to rethink how to handle the unrest, which is now in its sixth month.

The district councils have little power, but the vote became a referendum on public support for the protests.

“It’s nothing short of a revolution. This is a landslide,” said Willy Lam, a political expert at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

“It’s a sound repudiatio­n of the

Carrie Lam administra­tion and shows the silent majority are behind the demands of the protesters.”

The pro-democracy camp hailed its astounding gains in the normally low-key race as a victory for the people and said Ms Lam and Beijing must now seriously heed protesters’ demands, in particular a call for an independen­t commission to investigat­e the events of the past six months.

“We are only vehicles used to reflect the people’s concerns,” said Mr Wu.

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