Yorkshire Post

We can find common ground to heal wounds of Brexit, says PM

Anger over legal move to block EU extension

- PAUL JEEVES HEAD OF NEWS ■ Email: paul.jeeves@jpimedia.co.uk ■ Twitter: @jeeves_paul

PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson held out an olive branch to his defeated political rivals with an offer to find common ground to heal the divisions of Brexit as plans emerged to block further delays in the UK’s divorce from the European Union.

On the first day of sitting of the new Parliament, the Prime Minister said he wanted finally to end the wrangling over Britain’s departure from the EU.

But his conciliato­ry message was overshadow­ed yesterday by a furious row over plans by ministers to legislate to prevent any extension to the Brexit transition period beyond the end of 2020.

Opposition parties warned his “reckless” approach opened up the renewed risk of a “cliff edge” no-deal Brexit in just 12 months’ time.

Speaking in the Commons, Mr Johnson said: “After three-and-ahalf years of wrangling and division, we in this Government will do whatever we can to reach out across the House to find common ground, to heal the divisions of our country, and to find a new and generous spirit in which we conduct all our political dealings.”

Earlier however, he struck a more bullish note, telling the first Cabinet meeting since his General Election triumph that they needed to work “flat out” to deliver on their campaign promises.

He pledged to keep up the “frenetic” pace of his first five months in office, telling Ministers: “You ain’t seen nothing yet, folks.”

The Government is expected to introduce the Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) in the Commons tomorrow following the State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech.

MPs will then vote on the principle of the Bill – ratifying Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal with Brussels in October – at second reading on Friday before the House rises for Christmas.

Ministers want the legislatio­n to clear all its stages in the Commons and the Lords in January to enable Britain to leave with a deal in place at the end of the month as planned.

However, the Bill has been reworked to “legally prohibit” any extension of the transition period which then follows beyond the end of 2020.

The option of an extension was originally included to allow talks to continue on a new free trade agreement if – as many expect – they have not been concluded by the end of the year.

Opposition parties said that by taking that away, Mr Johnson was effectivel­y reopening the prospect of an economical­ly damaging no-deal break.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer said: “This is typical of the reckless and irresponsi­ble behaviour we have come to expect from Boris Johnson’s Government.

“The Tories have shown once again that they are prepared to put people’s jobs at risk in pursuit of a hard Brexit.”

And acting Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey added: “This Tory Government’s reckless approach to Brexit will send the country straight off the no-deal cliff. The only way Johnson can meet the December 2020 timetable is by giving up all his previous promises to Leave voters and agreeing to all the demands of the EU.”

In Brussels, the European Commission’s director general for trade Sabine Weyand – previously the deputy to EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier – said the Government’s warnings should be taken seriously.

She reportedly suggested that only a pared down agreement on Britain’s future relationsh­ip with the EU may now be possible.

Mr Johnson repeatedly promised in the election campaign that he would not seek any extension to the transition period.

The commitment was instrument­al in persuading Nigel Farage not to stand Brexit Party candidates in Conservati­ve-held seats.

This reckless approach will send the country off the no-deal cliff. Acting Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey.

 ?? PICTURE: MATT DUNHAM/PA ?? MESSAGE: Boris Johnson told the first Cabinet meeting since his General Election triumph that they needed to work ‘flat out’ to deliver their campaign promises.
PICTURE: MATT DUNHAM/PA MESSAGE: Boris Johnson told the first Cabinet meeting since his General Election triumph that they needed to work ‘flat out’ to deliver their campaign promises.

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