Yorkshire Post

Radicals on right double in 3 years

Figures show rise in the last three years

- JOHN BLOW NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

POLITICS: Right-wing extremism is on the rise as figures show the number of such radicals flagged up to authoritie­s for concerns over their worldviews has almost doubled in the last three years.

There were 5,738 referrals overall to the Government’s Prevent Programme between April 2018 and March 2019.

RIGHT WING extremism is on the rise as new figures show the number of such radicals flagged up to authoritie­s for concerns over their views has almost doubled in the last three years.

There were 5,738 referrals overall to the Government’s Prevent Programme between April 2018 and March 2019.

Of these, 1,389 referrals were for concerns over right wing extremism – a six per cent rise from 1,312 in the previous period and almost double the 759 flagged up in 2015/16.

Islamist concerns accounted for a larger proportion of referrals but the number dropped 56 per cent from 3,197 to 1,404, according to the Home Office figures. A further 2,169 people had a “mixed, unstable or unclear ideology” while 776 were referred over other concerns like internatio­nal and left-wing radicalisa­tion.

Tracy Brabin, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, said: “While all extremism is incredibly concerning, thousands being referred to Prevent annually is an illuminati­ng picture of what is happening in our communitie­s.

“The fact that right wing extremism is on the rise is sadly not a surprise. While there are never any excuses for extremism, everyone in public life must realise the risk and redouble our efforts to make sure our language is suitable and importantl­y, report anything

that we fear oversteps the mark.”

With an annual budget of around £40m, Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

It was launched after public bodies were placed under a statutory duty in 2015 to stop people being drawn into terrorism.

Anyone concerned that someone they know might be at risk can refer them.

When authoritie­s decide there is a risk that the person referred to Prevent could be drawn into terrorism, they are then assessed as part of a scheme known as Channel and potentiall­y taken on as a case. Engagement with the scheme is voluntary and it is not a criminal sanction.

Of the cases examined by Channel, 561 were taken on as a case and supported through the scheme – 254 (45 per cent) of which were over right wing radicalisa­tion concerns. This is a 50 per cent rise on the previous year.

Overall, 1,563 children and teenagers under the age of 15 were referred to Prevent, of which 234 were girls.

The latest figures also show that 4,407 were deemed not suitable for further action and left the process. Most were directed to other services for support.

Some 402 of those taken on as a Channel case left the process with “no further radicalisa­tion concerns”.

Some 189 people were referred twice and nine more were flagged up three times. The largest proportion of individual­s were from the North East and London..

Lord Carlile, who was tasked earlier this year with reviewing the anti-radicalisa­tion programme, said “everything is up for discussion” including scrapping the scheme.

What we need is good strong role models, particular­ly males. Kim Leadbeater, sister of murdered MP Jo Cox.

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