Yorkshire Post

£1,012 fee for children to be UK citizens ‘is unlawful’


CAMPAIGNER­S HAVE hailed a “landmark ruling” after the High Court found that the Government acted unlawfully in setting a £1,012 fee for children to register as a British citizen.

The Project for the Registrati­on of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC) argued the “exorbitant” registrati­on fee – for an applicatio­n which costs the Home Office just £372 to process effectivel­y removes children’s entitlemen­t to citizenshi­p.

In a judgment yesterday, Mr Justice Jay said that the fee was unlawful because the Home Office had “failed to have regard to the best interests” of children affected by the level of the fee. The PRCBC says that many children who are entitled to citizenshi­p, having been born in the UK and lived here for their first 10 years, are prevented from applying because of the “excessivel­y high” fee.

The case, which was supported by Amnesty Internatio­nal UK, was brought on behalf of two children identified only as O who is 12 years old, and A, three, both of whom were born in the UK and have lived here their entire lives.

The judge ruled that the regulation­s which set the fee “are unlawful in that respect to the extent that they set the fee for registrati­on applicatio­ns brought by children at £1,012”.

He added that there was “no evidence” that the Home Office had “identified where the best interests of children seeking registrati­on lie, has begun to characteri­se those interests properly (or) has identified that the level of fee creates practical difficulti­es for many”.

A Home Office spokesman said: “We note the court’s judgment and will consider its implicatio­ns carefully.”

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