Yorkshire Post

The true test of Queen’s Speech

The importance of reconcilat­ion


EXPECTATIO­NS OF Boris Johnson – and the Government – are even higher after the Queen’s Speech reaffirmed the Prime Minister’s priorities when it comes to Brexit, NHS and the Northern Powerhouse.

Free from three and a half years of Parliament­ary and political gridlock, Mr Johnson now finds himself in the vanguard and in a position to re-energise the Tories after a decade of austerity.

Understand­ably, there was an air of triumphali­sm on the part of Tories as Ministers and MPs began to roll up their sleeves while Labour and Lib Dems remain in such disarray following last week’s election.

But tone matters – and while there were few surprises in the legislativ­e programme – the Prime Minister now needs to reach out to all parts of the country, and sections of society, rather than the socalled ‘red wall’ seats where lifelong Labour voters rejected Jeremy Corbyn in such significan­t numbers on December 12.

And, in many respects, the success of this Parliament is not necessaril­y Brexit – Mr Johnson now has a clear electoral mandate to lead Britain out of the European Union – but whether the Tory leader can preside over five years of reconcilia­tion and national renewal.

It means politics becoming more consensual and conciliato­ry on the many issues where there is common ground – the PM’s offer to work with other parties on social care must be sincere – and it means the debate, where there are genuine difference­s, focusing more on principles and policies and less on personalit­ies.

It also requires the Government being prepared to scrutinise – Mr Johnson has much still to prove on this front – and realising that both he, and his entire team, need to avoid unnecessar­y distractio­ns if Whitehall is to be finally rebalanced in favour of the North. That is the new test.

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