Yorkshire Post

Call for two-way cycling on city’s one-way streets


A PETITION calling for York’s one-way roads to be opened to two-way cycling has been launched – and more than 150 people have signed it already.

Lars Kramm, former Green Party councillor for Micklegate, says some cities, including Cambridge and Brighton, have introduced two-way cycling on oneway streets in a bid to encourage people to ditch their cars.

He added that some one-way streets in York already make exceptions for cyclists – but on most roads they either have to take a detour, get off their bicycle and push it, or ride illegally.

He said: “York needs cycling solutions to motivate more people to change to more sustainabl­e transport solutions, ease the parking shortage, reduce traffic and congestion­s and improve air quality.

“Cycle-friendly proposals reduce the need for people to own and use cars and, in particular, after declaring a climate emergency, York councillor­s should be actively supporting cycling.”

Some have raised concerns about safety and pointed to illegal cycling already taking place in the city, he said. But charity Cycling UK says contraflow cycling does not lead to a rise in accidents.

Mr Kramm added: “I find it a bit ironic that illegal cycling is being turned into a reason to stop legal cycling.”

A trial to allow cyclists to bike down High Petergate when the road is closed to traffic during the day was given the green light earlier this year.

Some residents criticised the plans – saying it would not be safe and that it would mean people on bikes would “be constantly ringing their bells getting people to move” at busy times.

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