Yorkshire Post

9.7m homes ‘paying over the odds for energy bills’


MORE THAN a third of British households are paying more than they need to for their energy bills, analysis published today has shown.

Research carried out by Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust found that 36 per cent of homes have not changed the way they use energy in recent years, equivalent to 9.7 million households.

Home energy use is responsibl­e for around 25 per cent of carbon emissions in Britain, but researcher­s said changes such as filling the kettle with only the water needed could stop two million tonnes of carbon dioxide being released and save households £1.1bn per year.

The survey was released to mark the start of Big Energy Saving Week, run by the two groups and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Nearly nine in 10 households surveyed said they thought making small changes would make little or no difference to their finances.

But the study found by spending one minute less in the shower, a family of four could save £75 a year on energy and water bills – and replacing an inefficien­t showerhead with a water-efficient one could save £185. Turning off lights when they are not needed could save about £14 a year, and changing all the bulbs to LEDs would nationally save £230m.

The study also found if British households turned down thermostat­s by one degree, changed all lightbulbs to LEDs, used the right amount of water in the kettle and turned appliances off rather than leaving them on standby, it would save the equivalent of taking three million cars off the road in carbon emissions.

Business and Energy Secretary Andrea Leadsom said: “You’d be surprised at what small steps can make a big difference.”

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