Yorkshire Post

Johnson joins calls for end to Libya war

- GRACE HAMMOND NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron on the margins of a summit in Berlin as world leaders gathered to address the civil war in Libya.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “The Prime Minister stressed the need to bring an end to the fighting and for all parties to support peace talks to determine a way forward for the Libyan people.”

The leaders also confirmed their support for the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

A Downing Street spokesman said: “On Iran, the leaders reiterated their commitment to the JCPOA and also acknowledg­ed the need to define a long-term framework to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon.

“They agreed on the importance of de-escalation and of working with internatio­nal partners to find a diplomatic way through the current tensions.”

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the internatio­nal community to stand against the “merchants of blood and chaos”, as he headed at the Berlin summit.

Mr Erdogan supports the UNbacked administra­tion in Tripoli led by Fayez Sarraj and sent troops to Libya earlier this month to help them in their battle with eastern-based forces led by General Khalifa Hifter.

Speaking at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport, Mr Erdogan said the world had failed to respond adequately to Gen Hifter’s “reckless attacks”.

Mr Erdoganx added: “Hopes that flourish again with the ceasefire and the Berlin summit should not be sacrificed to the ambitions of the merchants of blood and chaos.”

A truce sponsored by Turkey and Russia was imposed a week ago but sporadic fighting has continued.

Germany is bringing together key players in Libya’s long-running conflict in a bid to solidify the ceasefire and help relaunch a political process.

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