Yorkshire Post

Police given more powers to deal with stalking surge, says Cleverly


CONSERVATI­VE Party chairman James Cleverly has said police will be given more powers to deal with stalking under new policies coming into force today.

His promise comes as the Home Office announced new orders will be brought into force to stop stalkers in their tracks while they are investigat­ed by police.

Latest figures reveal a 51 per cent increase in stalking and harassment offences reported to police across Yorkshire in the 12 months to June, last year.

The four Yorkshire forces recorded a total of 66,133 stalking and harassment offences during this time.

Mr Cleverly said: “What we know is a huge amount of people have to endure stalking, a much larger percentage than I think most people would realise. It’s something no one should have to deal with.

“We want to give more powers to the police and to the courts and stalking protection orders is the vehicle we are bringing forward to do that.

“From today, what the courts will be able to do is apply a stalking protection order which will limit what a person can do in terms of how they approach and proximity, and if they’re breached the police and courts can take action.

“That will protect people and there have been occasions where people’s lives have been taken by stalkers and we want to protect people from that.”

A Stalking Protection Order (SPO) will block alleged perpetrato­rs from contacting or approachin­g their victims while a probe into their behaviour continues.

The new measures have been introduced in a bid to act at “the earliest opportunit­y” to protect victims from further approaches and take tougher steps on stalkers, Mr Cleverly added.

Usually in place for a minimum of two years, those who breach the civil orders could end up behind bars for five years. Campaigner­s and victims welcomed the news, but warned orders would be effective only if action was taken quickly.

 ??  ?? JAMES CLEVERLY: Protection orders will block alleged stalkers from contacting their victims.
JAMES CLEVERLY: Protection orders will block alleged stalkers from contacting their victims.

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