Yorkshire Post

Duke urges organisati­ons to help end ‘abhorrent crime’ of illegal wildlife trade


THE DUKE of Cambridge has called on organisati­ons to help end the “abhorrent crime” of illegal wildlife trade, following what he called an “encouragin­g” year of seizures and investigat­ions.

William welcomed Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta to St James’s Palace for a meeting of the United for Wildlife Taskforces in London.

United for Wildlife (UfW) works to combat illegal wildlife trade by bringing together conservati­on organisati­ons, law enforcemen­t, government­s and global corporatio­ns.

The Duke gave a speech yesterday, the day after he and the Duchess of Cambridge hosted a Buckingham Palace reception for delegates attending the UK-Africa Investment Summit.

Addressing the meeting, chaired by Lord William Hague and attended by US ambassador Woody Johnson, the Duke said it was “encouragin­g” that last year saw a record number of wildlife seizures and investigat­ions.

William praised Operation Blizzard, co-ordinated by Europol and Interpol, which led to 12 arrests and more than 4,000 seizures of live reptiles.

But he said: “There are still too many criminals who know that they can find a market and believe they can act with impunity.

“Everything that you do to root out corruption, improve your processes and techniques, and flag suspicious activity to law enforcemen­t helps make this trade too risky for criminals to stomach.”

He then urged the organisati­ons to play their part in helping to end the “abhorrent crime” of illegal wildlife trade, which includes the poaching of elephants for ivory and tigers for their skins.

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