Yorkshire Post

Partisan battle opens as Trump’s impeachmen­t begins


PRESIDENT DONALD Trump’s impeachmen­t trial quickly burst into a partisan fight as proceeding­s began unfolding.

Democrats objected strongly to rules proposed by the Republican leader for compressed arguments and a speedy trial.

Even before Chief Justice John Roberts gavelled in the session, Democrats warned that the rules package from Mr Trump’s ally, Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell, could force midnight sessions that would keep most Americans in the dark and create a sham proceeding.

Mr Trump, who was at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d, said the whole thing was a hoax, and he said he was sure it would “work out fine”.

“This is not a process for a fair trial, this is the process for a rigged trial,” Representa­tive Adam Schiff, the chairman of the

House Intelligen­ce Committee leading the prosecutio­n, told reporters. He called it a “cover-up.”

“Sure it will be a fair trial when you’ve got 24 hours of arguments on both sides,” Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa told state reporters on a conference call.

The rare impeachmen­t trial, unfolding in an election year, is testing whether Mr Trump’s actions toward Ukraine warrant removal at the same time that voters are forming their own verdict on his White House.

The Democrats say the prospect of middle-of-the-night proceeding­s, without allowing new witnesses or even the voluminous House records of the trial, will leave the public without crucial informatio­n about Mr Trump’s political pressure campaign on Ukraine and the White House’s obstructio­n of the House impeachmen­t probe.

“The McConnell rules seem to be designed by President Trump for President Trump,” said the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer.

He vowed to call for a series of votes to amend the rules and demand evidence and documents, but it seemed unlikely Republican­s would break ranks to allow this.

“This is a historic moment,” Mr Schumer said.

 ??  ?? DONALD TRUMP: Dismissed his impeachmen­t proceeding­s as a hoax.
DONALD TRUMP: Dismissed his impeachmen­t proceeding­s as a hoax.

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