Yorkshire Post

‘Successive Conservati­ve government­s have mistrusted local authoritie­s in the North’

- William Wallace

THE NORTH of England deserves a more powerful voice in British politics. The House of Lords needs reform. But moving the Lords to York, while leaving power over public expenditur­e centred in London, is not the answer to the North’s problems.

In 25 years in the Lords, I have been struck by the impact that elected assemblies and devolved government­s have had on the influence of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish interests in London.

Time and again, discussion­s on policy initiative­s include special considerat­ion for the implicatio­ns for these three nations, with opportunit­ies for their Ministers to express their concerns. There’s no comparable considerat­ion of any implicatio­ns for England’s less prosperous regions. The emergence of elected mayors for cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Sheffield has not yet had much influence on the way Ministers and officials in London take decisions.

Yorkshire has a population as large as Scotland. Yet not only Scotland but also Wales and Ulster, smaller and poorer parts of the UK, now have built-in advantages in managing their own affairs and in bargaining with London.

That is why political leaders across Yorkshire have supported the case for a ‘One Yorkshire’ regional body, rather than the smaller city regions which the Conservati­ve Government has tried to force on us instead. The presence in Parliament of new Conservati­ve MPs from the region is already pushing Boris Johnson to pay more attention to our needs. We look to these new MPs to support the case that council leaders from all parties are pressing.

Over the past 50 years, local and regional authoritie­s have seen their financial resources and their administra­tive capabiliti­es reduced, while more and more powers have been transferre­d to London.

I recall when the West Riding had one of the UK’s best educationa­l authoritie­s, experiment­ing with new teaching methods and subjects. Now Ofsted inspectors enforce detailed instructio­ns laid down by Ministers in London. Local authoritie­s financed and ran their own transport services, as well as a range of social services, and support for local enterprise­s, which they can no longer afford.

Successive Conservati­ve government­s have mistrusted local authoritie­s in the North: mostly Labour-led, or sometimes Liberal Democrat, often committed to spending which Conservati­ves disapprove­d of.

Tony Blair’s Labour government allowed Scots and Welsh to join Ulster in taking control of regional and local administra­tion, but did not slow the transfer of power from Northern authoritie­s to London. The economic and political revival of the North of England cannot be successful­ly planned and carried out from Westminste­r. It has to be led and managed, in large part, from within the region itself.

Reform of the Lords is long overdue. When I was appointed, in 1995, I hoped that I would be able, within 10 years, to stand for election as a Yorkshire representa­tive in a reformed house.

Blair’s Labour government excluded most of the hereditari­es in 1997 – the first stage of necessary reform – but never took the issue further.

In the coalition Government Liberal Democrats insisted on introducin­g a Bill to create a largely-elected second chamber – but Conservati­ve backbenche­rs opposed it, the Labour front-bench was suspicious, and it failed. There’s little argument over what sort of second chamber we need. It should be elected on a regional basis, with longer terms than MPs. We need an effective second chamber. The Lords has become much busier since I joined, examining the details of legislatio­n that the Commons have scarcely examined, which

Successive Conservati­ve government­s have mistrusted local authoritie­s in the North

Ministers had therefore not had to justify.

The Conservati­ve manifesto for December’s election promised to set up a new ‘commission on the constituti­on, democracy and rights’, to start before the end of 2020. Boris Johnson wants it to focus on strengthen­ing the power of government over parliament, and curbing the independen­ce of judges; but it cannot avoid addressing the wider popular disillusio­n with democratic politics and our political parties. That means strengthen­ing local democracy, returning power from London to England’s regions, cities and towns, reshaping both Houses of Parliament and changing our grossly outdated voting system.

Sending an unreformed Lords to York is a gesture. Tackling the underlying imbalances of the English system of government is a far larger task. It requires moving power, money and people out of London to regional and local authoritie­s. It means tackling our antiquated constituti­onal structures. Gestures are easy to make: reshaping our imperfect democracy is a much more important challenge.

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