Yorkshire Post

Campaign over gender pay gap on cocoa farms

Calls on chocolate industry for reform

- TONY GARDNER NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: tony@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

A GENDER pay gap in the global chocolate industry has been revealed, with the average woman cocoa farmer paid as little as 23p a day.

The Fairtrade Foundation called on the Government, chocolate companies and supermarke­ts to join an alliance aimed at boosting the income of women.

The group used the start of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight to highlight the “hidden inequality” suffered by women and girls in the multibilli­on-pound chocolate industry.

It launched a She Deserves campaign, revealing that in West Africa, where 60 per cent of the world’s cocoa is grown, the average woman cocoa farmer earns as little as 23p a day.

In Cote d’Ivoire, despite carrying out 68 per cent of the labour, which involves planting and harvesting, hacking cocoa pods, fermenting, drying and bagging up the cocoa beans as well as domestic duties in the home, women have fewer rights than men, receive less money and are often

landless. Julia Nicoara, director of public engagement at the Fairtrade Foundation, said: “Many of us don’t know the bitter truth of exploited farmers behind much of our chocolate, with women doing much more of the work for much less of the pay. This Fairtrade Fortnight we’ll be telling and hearing the stories of some of the inspiratio­nal women cocoa growers.”

A series of events will be held across the country in the next two weeks, with the Fairtrade Foundation’s grassroots networks of around 1,600 Fairtrade schools and towns staging storytelli­ng events to highlight the women’s lives.

York, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Oxford will host special community events that will feature speeches from two West African women cocoa farmers, who will tell their stories about how, against the odds, they have become leaders in their communitie­s.

Louisa Cox, director of impact at the Fairtrade Foundation, said: “It takes two to grow cocoa, it’s a partnershi­p crop that needs both the man and the woman to successful­ly see it through to harvest.

“Yet often the woman does two thirds of the work for less than a third of the income, meaning a bitter taste to the sweet treat.”

Fairtrade Fortnight begins today and continues until March 8.

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