Yorkshire Post

Higher fuel tax will hit the poorest


From: Karl Sheridan, Holme upon Spalding Moor.

I WONDERED how long it would be before we saw the true colours of Boris and his cabinet: proposed higher fuel taxation which will hit all of us on meagre incomes.

No doubt we will also see crippling rise in vehicle excise levies forced on those of us owning older cars in an effort to cleanse our roads of cars and vans ten years old or more, regardless of the fact they pass current emission tests.

Knee-jerk reactions again, but where else is the Chancellor going to get the money to pay for HS2?

The great idea of allowing cars and hybrids to have lower car tax such as £30 per annum or zero rate has to have an effect on revenue as time goes on, especially as more and more vehicles enjoy that privilege.

Where is the shortfall to the Treasury going to come from? Well, no doubt it will come from those on the school run, those of us who don’t want or can’t afford to change their cars and those who run their old cars through necessity.

Not only that, but all of you driving around in electric cars and looking so smug mustn’t forget that, just like we found with diesel cars, the Government will do a turnaround in the future and start charging (sorry for the pun) a steep vehicle excise tax on all electric cars eventually. Where else will they recover the deficit? Nothing is for free!

Sadly I think the life of the car industry and indeed of cars in general is coming to an end.

I sincerely hope not because

I run a classic car myself and I enjoy driving, but we’ll soon all be priced off the road. Cleaner air maybe, but with no decent local public transport, how will we all get to work?

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