Yorkshire Post

Hancock challenged over virus data as North-West records rise

- GRACE HAMMOND NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

THE GOVERNMENT has been accused of “cherry-picking” data on coronaviru­s, as Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that hospital visitors and outpatient­s will need to wear face coverings to stem the spread of coronaviru­s.

At Downing Street’s daily briefing, Mr Hancock said Sage believes the R number – the reproducti­on rate, which represents how many people the average person with coronaviru­s passes the disease on to – is below one and said local lockdowns would be used if flare-ups are spotted.

However, a reporter from Sky who posed a question said that he was “cherry-picking” data, pointing to a joint study by the University of Cambridge and Public Health England.

The research suggests that the R has risen to above 1 in the North-West of England and to 1 in the South-West, while reporting that “there is some evidence that R has risen in all regions, probably due to increasing mobility and mixing between households and in public and workplace settings”.

Matt Hancock said visitors and outpatient­s would have to wear face coverings.

In response, the Health Secretary said that individual pieces of research needed to be looked at “in the round” with other data.

He said: “The discussion of the higher R in the North-West and the South-West that’s estimated compared to the rest of the country is an important part of moving towards a more localised approach rather than a national approach to the lockdown. It’s very important that you look at all of these studies in the round.

“The study you mentioned is one, but the overall assessment that is brought together by Sage that advises the chief medical officer is the one that I look at.”

Mr Hancock said the Government was “seeking to take a more local approach” to tackling outbreaks, and mentioned work carried out with Tom Riordan, chief executive of Leeds City Council. Meanwhile, hospital visitors and outpatient­s will need to wear face coverings and all hospital staff will be required to wear surgical masks in England from June 15.

Mr Hancock said: “One of the things that we’ve learnt is that those in hospital, those who are working in hospital, are more likely to catch coronaviru­s whether they work in a clinical setting or not.

“And so to offer even greater protection, we’re also providing new guidance for NHS staff in England which will come into force again on June 15 and all hospital staff will be required to wear type one or two surgical masks. And this will cover all staff working in hospital, it will apply at all times – not just when they are doing life-saving work on the frontline – and it will apply in all areas, except those areas designated as Covid-secure workplaces.”

The Department of Health said 40,261 people had died in hospitals, care homes and the wider community after testing positive for coronaviru­s in the UK as of 5pm on Thursday, up by 357 from 39,904 the day before. In Yorkshire, the deaths of people with coronaviru­s stood at 2,633 yesterday afternoon following the death of 22 more people regionally.

All hospital staff will be required to wear surgical masks.

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